High Fructose Corn syrup versus natural cane sugar has been a hotly debated health topic for years. Is one better or worse than the other? Here at Tognazzini, we’re going to discuss the pros and cons of both as it relates to the foodservice industry. Many restaurants have stated that they would rather opt into more natural juices than sodas
High Fructose Corn Syrup is a huge villain in the American diet. It’s nearly impossible to find food these days without HFC in it. Manufactured from corn, it’s a liquid caloric sweetener that has increasingly made its way into foods and beverages in the last 50 years. Many soft drinks and processed foods contain added HFCS, as well as some canned goods and dairy products. HFCS is a syrup that you can simply dilute before consumption. With the rise in American Health problems, it’s imperative Americans find other alternatives to beverages with high fructose corn syrup.
Sugar Cane
Cane sugar has been in our diets for centuries now. Cane sugar has a granular structure and you need to dissolve it in water before use. Also, it easily breaks down in acidic environments, which can affect texture and sweetness when it is used in food preparation. Cane sugar may be more natural, but how much better is it really than HFC?
How Different are They?
The sweeteners are not that different! However, the individual sugars behave in your body differently. Glucose raises your blood sugar, and Fructose is only metabolized in your liver and then converted to fat. These sugars may look alike, however, the small difference in them can make huge differences in the long run. It’s time for America to take a good look at its health, and make the move from soda and HFC to natural juices and products that are better processed within our systems.